We’ve lots of Organisations & Groups that meet each week - why not come along and join us?
SUNDAY 10.00am - Breakfast Bible Club
Happening on the SECOND SUNDAY of each month, our Breakfast Bible Club is a big hit with Primary School children. Come along at 10.00am for some breakfast before we dive into some Bible stories, games and all you’d expect at a Bible Club!
SUNDAY 10.25am - Teen Talk
Open to all of secondary school age. Why not join us at 10.25am any Sunday morning? A time when we study the Bible together and discuss lots of the “big topics”!
SUNDAY MORNING - Children's Church
During our Sunday Morning Service, Primary School children are encouraged to join our Children’s Church, starting after the Children’s Address. Children are then picked up again by their parent/guardian at the end of the Morning Service.
We warmly welcome the whole of the family to our Sunday Services - however, if you’d prefer your pre-Primary school children attend our Creche while you attend worship, we have a Creche available.
SUNDAY 7.45pm - Alive Youth
After our Evening Service, our secondary school “young people” congregate in our Youth Room - for a time of fun, fellowship & Bible Study.
MONDAY 7.30pm - Presbyterian Women
Happening on the FIRST MONDAY of each month, come along and join our PW for a programme of exciting guest speakers and discussions.
MONDAY 7.45pm - Bowling Fellowship
Come along any Monday evening to try out your Bowling skills. A relaxed atmosphere and an encouraging group of people to bowl with!
TUESDAY 2.00pm - Men's Fellowship
Happening on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month, come along and join our Men’s Fellowship for a programme of exciting guest speakers, discussions and outings.
TUESDAY EVENING - Girls' Brigade
Our Girls’ Brigade meets each Tuesday night. We’re always welcoming of new members - so check out the relevant group for you age and come along!
6.30pm - Under 5s & Explorers (3yrs old - P4)
7.00pm - Juniors (P5 - P7)
7.30pm - Seniors & Brigaders (Yr8+)
WEDNESDAY 10.30am Parents & Toddlers
Always a well attended & fun-filled group each week. Why not come along with your Toddler and take part in the fun?
WEDNESDAY 8.15pm - Badminton Club
Our badminton club is open to all adults, and all skill levels! Please come along and join us any Wednesday night at 8.15pm.
WEDNESDAY - Midweek Meetings
Our Wednesday midweek schedule changes depending on the week of the month:
1st Wednesday: 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Midweek Bible Study.
2nd Wednesday: No Prayer Meeting. 2.30pm Afternoon House Group Bible Study. 8.00pm Evening House Group Bible Study.
3rd Wednesday: 7.25pm Partners in Prayer Special.
4th Wednesday: 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Missionary Midweek Meeting.
5th Wednesday (if applicable): 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Midweek Bible Study.
THURSDAY 10.30am - Connect
Enjoy a game of pool? a cup of tea/coffee and a chat? Connect is the group for you!
THURSDAY 7.30pm - Choir Practice
We’re always on the lookout for new members, if you’re interested in joining our choir, please drop in!
Meeting every Thursday night, we run all sections of the Boys’ Brigade:
6.30pm - Anchor Boys (P1-P4)
7.00pm - Junior Section (P5-P7)
7.30pm - Company Section (Yr8+)
FRIDAY 9pm - Row Z Football
Running FORTNIGHTLY on a Friday night, a group of “footballers” meet at Saintfield Community Centre for a game. Please contact us if you’d be interested in playing!
Running on Saturday Evenings from 7-9pm we have a Youth Club for all secondary aged kids. Please contact us to confirm the dates of our Youth Club.