We’ve lots of Organisations & Groups that meet each week - why not come along and join us?

  • SUNDAY 10.00am - Breakfast Bible Club

    Happening on the SECOND SUNDAY of each month, our Breakfast Bible Club is a big hit with Primary School children. Come along at 10.00am for some breakfast before we dive into some Bible stories, games and all you’d expect at a Bible Club!

  • SUNDAY 10.25am - Teen Talk

    Open to all of secondary school age. Why not join us at 10.25am any Sunday morning? A time when we study the Bible together and discuss lots of the “big topics”!

  • SUNDAY MORNING - Children's Church

    During our Sunday Morning Service, Primary School children are encouraged to join our Children’s Church, starting after the Children’s Address. Children are then picked up again by their parent/guardian at the end of the Morning Service.


    We warmly welcome the whole of the family to our Sunday Services - however, if you’d prefer your pre-Primary school children attend our Creche while you attend worship, we have a Creche available.

  • SUNDAY 7.45pm - Alive Youth

    After our Evening Service, our secondary school “young people” congregate in our Youth Room - for a time of fun, fellowship & Bible Study.

  • MONDAY 7.30pm - Presbyterian Women

    Happening on the FIRST MONDAY of each month, come along and join our PW for a programme of exciting guest speakers and discussions.

  • MONDAY 7.45pm - Bowling Fellowship

    Come along any Monday evening to try out your Bowling skills. A relaxed atmosphere and an encouraging group of people to bowl with!

  • TUESDAY 2.00pm - Men's Fellowship

    Happening on the SECOND TUESDAY of each month, come along and join our Men’s Fellowship for a programme of exciting guest speakers, discussions and outings.

  • TUESDAY EVENING - Girls' Brigade

    Our Girls’ Brigade meets each Tuesday night. We’re always welcoming of new members - so check out the relevant group for you age and come along!

    6.30pm - Under 5s & Explorers (3yrs old - P4)

    7.00pm - Juniors (P5 - P7)

    7.30pm - Seniors & Brigaders (Yr8+)

  • WEDNESDAY 10.30am Parents & Toddlers

    Always a well attended & fun-filled group each week. Why not come along with your Toddler and take part in the fun?

  • WEDNESDAY 8.15pm - Badminton Club

    Our badminton club is open to all adults, and all skill levels! Please come along and join us any Wednesday night at 8.15pm.

  • WEDNESDAY - Midweek Meetings

    Our Wednesday midweek schedule changes depending on the week of the month:

    1st Wednesday: 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Midweek Bible Study.

    2nd Wednesday: No Prayer Meeting. 2.30pm Afternoon House Group Bible Study. 8.00pm Evening House Group Bible Study.

    3rd Wednesday: 7.25pm Partners in Prayer Special.

    4th Wednesday: 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Missionary Midweek Meeting.

    5th Wednesday (if applicable): 7.25pm Prayer Meeting & 8.00pm Midweek Bible Study.

  • THURSDAY 10.30am - Connect

    Enjoy a game of pool? a cup of tea/coffee and a chat? Connect is the group for you!

  • THURSDAY 7.30pm - Choir Practice

    We’re always on the lookout for new members, if you’re interested in joining our choir, please drop in!

  • THURSDAY EVENING - Boys' Brigade

    THURSDAY EVENING - Boys' Brigade

    Meeting every Thursday night, we run all sections of the Boys’ Brigade:

    6.30pm - Anchor Boys (P1-P4)

    7.00pm - Junior Section (P5-P7)

    7.30pm - Company Section (Yr8+)

  • FRIDAY 9pm - Row Z Football

    Running FORTNIGHTLY on a Friday night, a group of “footballers” meet at Saintfield Community Centre for a game. Please contact us if you’d be interested in playing!


    Running on Saturday Evenings from 7-9pm we have a Youth Club for all secondary aged kids. Please contact us to confirm the dates of our Youth Club.